Rupeeting is now live on Dhan! Yes, our portfolios are available to all of Dhan’s users - on their web platform and on their mobile app.
Dhan is one of the newest and most promising stock brokers in India. It has partnered with both smallcase and WealthDesk to offer stock baskets by the best investment advisors to their users.

Investing with Rupeeting for Dhan users is pretty simple. There are a couple of ways:
1.Login to smallcase or WealthDesk using your Dhan credentials. Choose any of the baskets of Rupeeting. Invest!
2.Login to Dhan Web or the Dhan App. Find smallcase or WealthDesk. Choose any of the baskets of Rupeeting. Invest!
Tap on the button below to access Rupeeting's portfolios through Dhan!